M5 Metric Female Ports Series 32 Double Acting Compact Cylinder

M5 Metric Female Ports Series 32 Double Acting Compact Cylinder

Product code: 32M2A020A050


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M5 Metric Female Ports, 20mm Bore x 50mm Stroke, Series 32 Double Acting, Compact Cylinder, Magnetic, ¯20mm, Aluminium Barrel x 303 Stainless Steel Piston Rod, M8 x 1.25 Male Rod Thread, Working Temperature 0°C to +80°C, Working Pressure 1 to 10 bar, Camozzi


Barrel Material Aluminium
Bend Radiusmm 1 to 10
Bore Sizemm 20
Breaking Strain 20
Burst Pressurebar Aluminium
Coil Replacement M8 x 1.25
Displacementcm3 Stainless Steel
Hex Sizemm M5
Hose Length Metres Male
Housing Material 50
Inside Diameter A Inch Female
Kit Contents 50
Maximum Working Pressurepsi M8 x 1.25
Maximum Working Temperature 0°C to +80°C
Maximumworking Pressurebar 0°C to +80°C
Nominal Bore Amm Female
Numberof Outlets 1 to 10
Orificemm Male
Outside Diameter Binch 20
Piston Rod Material Stainless Steel
Piston Rod Thread M8 x 1.25
Piston Rod Thread Gender Male
Plug M5
Port Size Metric M5
Ratio Stainless Steel
Seat Material Aluminium
Stroke Lengthmm 50
Thread Gender Female
Thread Type Metric
Wall Thicknessmm Metric
Working Pressurebar 1 to 10
Working Temperature 0°C to +80°C
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